Monday, August 6, 2007

The Good Pandora

If you haven't checked out, you must. It's an online radio service that helps you discover new music through the Music Genome Project. Simply type in your favorite song or band and they will suggest songs with similar “melody, harmony, instrumentation, rhythm, vocals, lyrics.”
No matter if I type in the corniest of 80s bands or a latest release, 9 times out of 10, I have a new playlist I love within seconds. For Facebooker’s, Pandora just launched an application for your personal page.


Anonymous said...

This iste is now my daily fave!

Unknown said...

Thank you for writing about this site Katie! I too go here daily and love hearing new music based on old favorites. Love it! And I love your site, I know I already told you... but just had to say it again. You're fabulous.